Book two in this series.
WARNING, this review will be a spoiler if you wanted to read book one!
Okay, so the kids manage to rescue the townspeople, who were unwittingly living in a cave. Now that everyone is free from the cave, though, they have to find somewhere to go... can you guess??? Yes, the city of Sparks finds itself inundated with hundreds of refugee "cave people." They do their best, or not, well, maybe they hold a little back, but they have to look out for number one, and it's not as though they owe those people anything at all! So, the people of Sparks sort of help the people of Ember and then grudges build up and they all relearn the lesson that we all need to get along.
On second thought, maybe I shouldn't have rated this one so high, but really, if you have nothing better to do you can read this in a day or so and it must be somewhat interesting, because I'm reading another in the series right now.
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